A better system for choosing voters?

The past few days have been pretty ‘exciting’. Donald Trump has just been inaugurated to be the president of the USA, and he’s made tons of changes already(None of them very good). I keep thinking, so many people who voted for Trump made bad choices for not only themselves but their entire country! I mean, just because 2/3 of a country is unwise with voting, the other sensible 1/3 is being taken down with them! Imagine there was a cliff, and a few idiots were constantly grabbing other people, then jumping off the cliff. Won’t you hate that? Well, that’s what voting is, having people push you off cliffs.

Fortunately, I have a solution.

Behold, the Intelligent Voters course! This online course will help you vote for who is truly the candidate right for you and your country. This course will guide you through the basic principles of politics, like what tariffs really mean, and what it costs to be deported. When you finish this course, you will have a clear view of what candidates are really saying, without commercial-like campaign tactics muddying your choice. If the government agrees, taking the course will be mandatory for voting. Going back to our cliff analogy, imagine this course gating the life-ending cliff.

Is this course biased? You might think that at first, but I am not letting this course become official until it has been looked over by multiple parties.

Who can attend this course? This course is open to anyone, even if you are under 18. And yes, if you are under 18 and you pass the course, you will be able to vote, because why decline a voter if they can make clear decisions.

Okay, so I’m not actually going to establish a course like this(mostly because my country doesn’t need it, being Canadian). But it is a good idea and for anybody willing to reform our old system of democracy, I suggest this.



2 thoughts on “A better system for choosing voters?

  1. I think this could still be very useful in Canada, I can absolutely understand how being denied the right to vote until you are 18 can seem outrageous to someone as interested and invested in politics as yourself. Using this time to better educate the population at large is a fantastic way for you to have a positive influence on our political world before you can actually cast your own ballot. Next IDS project?

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