Quantum Teleportation


No, I’m not kidding. Teleportation is possible, but you might need to know a bit of quantum mechanics… The rest of this post contains complex scientific ideas and terminology which depending on your IQ and geekiness will (besides being completely safe and innovative if you’re a nerd) make you either scratch your head, freeze your

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Bitopia-Part 2


I already made Bitopia part 1 a few days ago, and said I would continue, so behold, Bitopia part 2.                                                                      

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Why Barbie is many things(none of them good)


Barbie is one of the most popular doll franchises in North America, especially for its message “You can be anything.” But, have you ever noticed, what ever Barbie becomes, its always “girly” in a way. She’s become so far, a princess, a pink suited-superhero, and a singer. Stereotypes!!! And if she’s not those things, she’s

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