IDS: Chord progressions made easy


Today as part of my IDS project, I used a simple technique to make good chord progressions that formed the base of a new draft song. The method is very simple, and can create a four-chord progression in any major key: Start with a I chord Add any other chord within the key you’re in,

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IDS: Using articulation to level up my music


Today as part of my IDS project, I continued with a song I was previously working on, and used articulations like staccatos and legatos to great effect. Many people consider music at its base to be simply a series of different pitched sounds played at different times and durations to create melodic progressions; this could

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IDS: Switching from Sibelius to MuseScore


Today as part of my IDS project, I attempted to gain a better understanding of the music-scoring technology Sibelius, before deciding to switch to a different software in order to improve my workflow. For a long period of time during my inquiry, I’ve been using Sibelius as a method of digitally transcribing my music. However,

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