
Behold: The Collatz Conjecture Library!

You might have read my post on the Collatz Conjecture. If you didn’t, you can read it with this link. If you read it, you know I talked about a cool problem called the Collatz Conjecture, …

Voting: The big problems with a “Majority Rules” system.

Recently, school started, and we had to vote for the name of our class pet(which is a venus flytrap). These were the names up for voting: Mochi Jaws Venus Trapper Gardenia Furious Destroyer Miri Cilan The …

Collatz Conjecture: The Unsolvable Problem

Recently I discovered a series of videos called Numberphile. I only watched two, both about a very interesting problem: the Collatz Conjecture. Imagine you take a number. If it is even, divide it by two, if …

Book Review: Best Practices Of Spell Design

Not too long ago, I put together a book review on the book Computational Fairy Tales. If you did not read my review, it`s a book which explains computer science through a medieval-ish story line. The …

Why Donald Trump is using the same tactic as Star Wars villain Emperor Palpatine(Wait, what?)

I am a big Star Wars fan. I am also a big fan of politics, especially this year’s election. However, after looking at the political news, and reviewing the Star Wars storyline, I discovered a similarity …

Game Review: Pokemon oRaS

You might not know, but I am a huge fan of Pokemon games. Recently, I saved up a bit of money with my bro, and bought myself a copy of Pokemon Omega Ruby. Summary: For anyone …

Book Review: Computational Fairy Tales

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a book review, and I found a really good book recently, so I figured I’d better write a book review. The book is “Computational Fairy Tales”, written by …

Check out this new (almost) Lego set!

Hey guys, I know I haven’t posted in a long time, so here I am again, and iv’e got something really cool to show you. Out of everyone reading this, I would say 50% of you …

Quantum Teleportation

No, I’m not kidding. Teleportation is possible, but you might need to know a bit of quantum mechanics… The rest of this post contains complex scientific ideas and terminology which depending on your IQ and geekiness …

Bitopia-Part 2

I already made Bitopia part 1 a few days ago, and said I would continue, so behold, Bitopia part 2. Housing —————————————————————————————————————————– The people of Bitopia live in collections of silicon bubbles, able to withstand large …