Problems with Disney movies 3.0


If you are seeing this, you have probably read my previous posts on Disney movies(Perspectives of Star Wars doesn’t count). If you haven’t, you can go and read those right now. If you have, you might notice that I didn’t mention anything about Marvel comics/movies. I will do that right now, as well as some

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Why Disney movies spread bad messages


On a previous post, I mentioned bad messages spread by Disney, and said i’ll be thinking of some Pixar ones. I thought of one from Toy Story, along with some Disney classics. Lets start with Toy Story. In the movie, the toys are living, immortal, creatures, though humans are treating them like things. In Toy

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Problems with Disney movies


Have you ever noticed that Disney movies are a little bit, strange? For example, in Peter Pan, when Wendy finds Peter, a total stranger , in her room, she just follows him up to who knows where? If the same thing happened to you, what would you do?Will you run away and call the cops?

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