Check out this new (almost) Lego set!


Hey guys, I know I haven’t posted in a long time, so here I am again, and iv’e got something really cool to show you. Out of everyone reading this, I would say 50% of you are Lego maniacs like me. Unfortunately, there are some sets we want that just don’t exist out there. And

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Why Barbie is many things(none of them good)


Barbie is one of the most popular doll franchises in North America, especially for its message “You can be anything.” But, have you ever noticed, what ever Barbie becomes, its always “girly” in a way. She’s become so far, a princess, a pink suited-superhero, and a singer. Stereotypes!!! And if she’s not those things, she’s

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The last few days I have been building a shell game out of Lego Mindstorms. It has four levels controlled by a remote. Below there is a video demonstrating how the game works. The brick is placed inside the middle shell, and the shells are constantly switching until a certain point, when you guess which

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The thing about Lego Friends


Recently iv’e been thinking about Lego. I notice Lego made Lego Friends for girls, but its spreading a message that certain Lego sets are for certain genders. The thing is that women dont need their own Girly sets, they need to exist in the Lego community. A fan of the Lego game Heroica complained that

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Lego Mindstorms EV3 TRACK3R


Have you heard of the new Lego Mindstorms EV3 set? If you have, I shall tell you that I just used it to build a robotic rover called TRACK3R. If you didn’t, I wrote a description of it below: Lego Mindstorms is a series of sets that allows you to create your own robot, and

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My Mindstorms NXT Projects


I have my very own  Minstorms NXT 1.0. I have made lots of programs including a program called Ball_Coaster and a program called Machine_Gun. Here you can see those two programs in action with their models. [youtube=]

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Playland great-legoland better


I really like amusement parks.My parents took me to Playland but I want to go to legoland! Playland has lots of fun rides but legoland also has rides and those rides are more fun the rides than Playland. Playland has lots of restaurants but legoland has lots more of restaurants and shops! At Playland they

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lego mechanical workshop


Every Saturday I go to Bryne creek secondary school for robotic Lego building classes and I partnered with a boy named Arlow. At the first Lego class I made a car that includes batteries to make it go. Once all cars were made,we had a race and I won! its because the gear in m

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