Why Walt Disney is a horrible man.

I have already done three posts on problems with  Disney movies, and now I’m going personal. Walt Disney seems innocent for all the problems with Disney movies, but there are some bad things he did personally. For example, he did not allow any women or black people in his company. One example was when a group of women wanted to sign up for the animation of Snow White, and Disney turned them down personally, saying that animation was the work of young, white, men. Anyone who remembers their history books might know that Disney had its peak in World War II. Back then, special “training movies” were used to encourage patriotism in soldiers. Walt Disney made two of these training movies, one where Donald Duck fights a Nazi food ration, and another where Donald Duck invades a Japanese base. However, these movies were released to worldwide theaters, including Germany, Japan, and Italy. These movies almost became matter of international court, and Walt Disney is the one to blame. Now that Disney is under Bob Iger, let’s hope that he doesn’t make any really bad choices. Otherwise, you might have another post coming your way…

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