Lego Mindstorms EV3 TRACK3R

Have you heard of the new Lego Mindstorms EV3 set? If you have, I shall tell you that I just used it to build a robotic rover called TRACK3R. If you didn’t, I wrote a description of it below: Lego Mindstorms is a series of sets that allows you to create your own robot, and as you might have guessed from the name, you use misceallanous(special) Lego elements. The first set was released in 1986, and the series has gone through many changes. Anyway, the newest stage of its evolution is called EV3. You can use it to build five starter robots, then step up and build your own. You can also program your robot either on a brick called the EV3, or on the special software. But new and only for EV3, you can control it with a special app called Robot Controller. Now I think you are ready for it, so here’s TRACK3R, the robot rover. track3r

TRACK3R is one of the starter robots in the EV3 set, and I made a video of him in action on the test pad. It is using a feature called the bi-blade blender to knock down a stack of tires.

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