Quantum physics for dummies


Hey guys, today I am going to do the impossible:explain Quantum physics in the simplest terms I can. So, What is quantum physics? Basically it explains stuff that are really, really, really small. If you are in grade seven or higher, you probably know about atoms. Atoms are really small, and they make up everything

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Book review: What If?


This book was made by Randall Munroe, the same guy who made XKCD.com. The book contains many questions from the what if section of XKCD, and answers to all of them. Questions include:What would happen if someones DNA vanished? And:How many arrows would it take to blot out the sun? This was a really cool

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How to fix the atmosphere


Global warning and ozone hole are big problems. Here are some ideas to fix ozone layer and reduce global warning. Patch up the ozone layer If you have been here for at least twelve years, you will know that whenever you get a hole in your pants, your mom wants to sew it up. Well,

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