Why Barbie is many things(none of them good)

Barbie is one of the most popular doll franchises in North America, especially for its message “You can be anything.” But, have you ever noticed, what ever Barbie becomes, its always “girly” in a way. She’s become so far, a princess, a pink suited-superhero, and a singer. Stereotypes!!! And if she’s not those things, she’s a teenage girl who’s got a mansion, giant RV, limousine, and a sister with a clubhouse the size of some townhouses. That’s the only place you’ll find her which doesn’t have a movie. In the movies, she’s got plenty of emotions ranging from sadness to fear to surprise, but in the toys, she only has one emotion: happiness. You never see a barbie doll with a shocked or scared face, or with teary eyes, but you always see her smiling. That’s like saying: “you’ll cry and scream as a fairy or superhero, but if you’re rich, you’ll always be happy!” Wrong!!! Barbie is a spoiled brat, that’s all she is! And yet she’s happy! If a real girl lived in her so called dreamhouse for a year, she”ll probably grow bored and tired of clothes and makeup and shoe shopping, and I can’t describe how happy she’ll be when she LEAVES!!! Speaking of dreamhouses, there happens to be a TV show called Barbie:Life in the Dreamhouse, which features a huge cast of friends and family to support Barbie. But they’re all white! I wrote a post on bad things with Lego Friends, but at least they have some more diversity!

End scene.

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