Game Update: Advanced Frequency Counter


Today I furthered the development of my game, specifically Level 2 of my game. I did this by coding one of the tools which the player will use to crack the cipher: the advanced frequency counter. The key alphabet cipher, like the caesar shift, can be solved using frequency analysis. However, simply knowing one letter

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Game Development Progress Update


So far, the code for level 1 is completely finished. Level 2’s functionality is complete, but I am currently working on formatting. I have begun the development for level 3, as well as the graphics. My goal by the showcase is to have 3 different levels for players to solve. The first level has them

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Game Development Progress Update


So far, one week has passed since development began. I initially laid out a plan to finish the development of the first level in 2 weeks’ time. So far, progress towards this goal has been more than satisfactory. About two-thirds of the software for the first level has been completed. Since this is my first

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Development Started!


After a month and a half devoted solely to designing my final product, I have finally begun development! As I stated in earlier posts, the game is being coded using React and Redux. Although I was doubtful on using a framework that I had never used before, especially since showcases are coming up, I believe

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First designs of my game


So far a lot of these posts have been just information on the history of cryptography, which is due to the fact, that I’ve been in my research phase for a long time. Well today, I officially began the design phase of my project, which is an interactive game-like experience with the purpose of teaching

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The mystery of Linear B


Today I learned about the decipherment of Linear B. Linear B, like the Rosetta Stone, was an ancient piece of text, this time originating from ancient Crete, and was deciphered using cryptoanalysis techniques. However, Linear B uses a syllabic script, so it was much harder to decipher than the Rosetta Stone. It was eventually deciphered,

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RSA: Ciphers in the digital age


Although the Enigma was cracked, and WW2 was over, cryptography was still changed forever. What used to be done with pen and paper is now being done with devices. Codes that were once cracked by linguists are now cracked by mathematicians. It was the beginning of a new era. And coinciding with this new era

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The future of cryptography


Today I learned about quantum cryptography, the use of quantum mechanics to perform cryptographic functions. One of the most useful applications of quantum mechanics in cryptography is quantum key distribution, a method of distributing keys between two parties without a third party intercepting it. The nature of quantum communication means that if a third party

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The Enigma VS Alan Turing


After the Vignere cipher was cracked, cipher technology stagnated for a long period of time. New ciphers were invented, but all these ciphers were easily cracked, and private transmissions, especially in the military, were being cracked left and right. That was until Arthur Scherbius invented a device called the Enigma. The Enigma took advantage of

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The most secure cipher ever?


Right now, cryptography is still a developing science. Different types of ciphers are still being tried and tested, and while many are far too complicated for me to cover in detail, hardly any cipher that we use is completely indecipherable. Except for one. And it’s not even that new. The one-time pad cipher, as it

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