Book Review: Computational Fairy Tales

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a book review, and I found a really good book recently, so I figured I’d better write a book review.

The book is “Computational Fairy Tales”, written by Jeremy Kubica. If you have a kid interested in computer science, you probably know about the many books designed to teach kids coding. Well “Computational fairy tales” is like that, except instead of just teaching coding methods, it also teaches the algorithms themselves.


The Plot: Princess Ann is sent alone on a quest to prevent some sort of darkness from engulfing the kingdom. In this quest, she will face many challenges. She must learn to surpass these challenges using coding methods (which she already knows) and algorithms (some of which she must learn).

Remarks: The book is built like an anthology, separated into short stories, each one teaching a different method or algorithm. Unlike an anthology, all the stories are linked together, so reading them in a collection will give you the story of Ann’s quest to save the kingdom from darkness.

History: Jeremy Kubica originally had a blog where he would post short stories on aspects of programming such as merge sort, loops, recursion, etc. Soon, his blog became a big hit, and coders of all ages read his entertaining stories of magical mishaps, library apprenticeships, and of course, Princess Ann’s journey to save the kingdom. After writing a lot of stories, he decided that he could do something even cooler. He could write a book!

If you really want a good taste of the stories, you can check out this link over here.

Rating: I give this book(which is now my new fav) ten stars!(**********)


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